How to convert text into speech online for free?
Writing is all fun until you have to convert the text into speech. Isn't it hectic? Well, if you are facing the same issue, we understand you. For conversion of text-to-speech online, you will see many websites that offer their services in this regard but have high fees and service charges that are not so favorable and so if you are looking for the best text-to-speech online converter, then this article is what you need. Here you will learn about 7 websites that offer tts conversion for free, so read it till the end.
7 free websites to convert text into speech
To solve your issue of converting text into speech, we have mentioned 7 free websites that would assist you in converting your text into speech for free. Read it till the end to choose the best option.
No.1 TTSMaker
The first option is TTSMaker. This website is completely free, and you can have easy access to the website. It has beat many other websites in converting text to speech and can convert over 18,000 characters into a voice file. Another fun fact is that you can playback and download the file in MP3. You can also choose from 14 languages and 16 English voices for your best speech.
No.2 Intelligent Speaker
This application or website, whatever you say, is a bit different. As the name insists, it is not a production app or tool but rather a browser plug-in speaker. It can read your text for you or assist you with any online content, so you just have to listen, and you won't have to read the entire thing, but if you want it to generate something, it won't help you. This website also has subscription plans but don't worry; it has free reading hours and can read out for free for an hour per month.
No.3 Listen
This is an interesting website. This website is so quick to generate the speech of your text. It takes help from Google's API and changes short snippets into natural-sounding speech. A loophole to consider is that you are restricted to converting 100 characters at a time but to compensate, the voice quality is great. You can either listen to the speech online or download it in MP3. And also, you get 100 different languages to choose from for the conversion of text.
No.4 Natural Reader
This website, which is also called natural Reader, has the most Accessibility features as being a browser-based website. You can use it for unlimited time, and it has a good voice changer. Apart from being free, you can also get a commercial license after paying a certain fee. You can definitely use it for free, but with a fee comes some additional features to improve quality. You get 4 US English speakers with upto seven more languages. Isn't it a good app for reliability and accessibility.
No.5 ttsMP3
As we are moving forward with this list, we are seeing improvement in different variants of different websites. TTS is a quick and easy website that allows text-to-speech conversion of upto 3000 characters at a time. A good word count, though. Not only this, but you can also enjoy online playback and MP3 download here. With this, you also get 20 languages for conversion with many English accents like US, British, Australian, Indian, and others. No playback controls or other restrictions are followed so that anyone can use the website.
No.6 Free TTS
Free text-to-speech can be considered as Google's high-quality text-to-speech converter. Here you can convert over 5000 characters at a time. You can download the file in MP3 and can also play it online. It offers over 30 languages to convert and more than 20 English voices. But when we talk about quality, there is always a fee for that. You can work for free here, but they only entertain 6000 characters per week for free accounts. This website also supports SSML.
No.7 TTS Reader
This website is extremely easy to use. It is not a browser plug-in but a website where you can convert pasted content into speech. It also entertains PDF files, plain texts, and epub uploads. The best part here is that it has no additional restrictions, and you can access the website anytime you open it.
This is it for the article. All these websites are free text-to-speech converters, whereas some offer premium plans for a fee. With special features, all provide good quality output, and you can rely on them. This article will be a great source of help for many of you.